This delightful bouquet of 3 sunny yellow gerberas, 6 cheerful pink carnations, and 2 elegant pink lilies, accented with lush green fillers, is a vibrant celebration of joy and warmth. Beautifully wrapped in a combination of pink and off-white paper and tied with charming ribbons, it comes with a delicious ½ kg Chocolate Cake to create the perfect gift for any happy occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, a congratulatory gesture, or a thoughtful surprise, this arrangement is sure to spread smiles.
Product Details:
• 3 Yellow Gerberas
• 6 Pink Carnations
• 2 Pink Lilies
• Green Fillers
• Pink and Off-White Paper Wrapping
• Ribbons
• ½ kg Chocolate Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The yellow gerberas symbolize happiness and friendship, the pink carnations represent admiration and gratitude, and the pink lilies embody love and prosperity. Together, these blooms convey a heartfelt message of joy and celebration. Paired with a rich Chocolate Cake, this gift is ideal for brightening someone’s day, sharing congratulations, or sending warm wishes for any special moment.