This vibrant bouquet of 3 yellow gerberas, 6 pink carnations, and 2 pink lilies, complemented by lush green fillers, radiates joy and elegance. Wrapped in beautiful paper packing with delicate ribbons, it comes paired with a Munch Mini Pack (187 gms), making it a delightful gift for any special occasion. Perfect for birthdays, congratulations, or heartfelt surprises, this combination is sure to spread smiles.
Product Details:
• 3 Yellow Gerberas
• 6 Pink Carnations
• 2 Pink Lilies
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing with Ribbons
• Munch Mini Pack (187 gms)
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Yellow gerberas symbolize happiness and friendship, pink carnations express admiration and gratitude, and pink lilies represent love and prosperity. Paired with the crispy sweetness of Munch chocolates, this thoughtful gift is a perfect way to brighten someone’s day and share your warmest feelings.