Immerse yourself in joy with our enchanting bouquet of 12 Pink & Yellow Roses, paired with 3 Cadbury Silk Chocolate and 1 Rakhi. Embrace the elegance of pink and the vibrancy of yellow roses, coupled with sweet indulgence, and celebrate the bond of love with a free Rakhi—a perfect blend of beauty and warmth.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Cut Stems at an Angle: Cut 2-3 cms from the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing the flowers in the vase. This allows for better water absorption.
- Choose a Cool Spot: Keep the flowers in a cool place, as the lukewarm water aids stem hydration, and cool air helps maintain freshness.
- Regular Water Change: Change the water every other day to extend the flowers' lifespan.
Chocolate Care Instructions:
- As your chocolates arrive, store them in the refrigerator to maintain their freshness and taste.
- Consume your chocolates before the specified expiry date for the best experience.