40 Red Roses in a Basket with a Black Forest Cake is one of the best gifts for any occasion. This arrangement is perfect for special occasions like weddings, engagements, or milestone anniversaries. Indulge in the romantic splendor of red roses paired with a decadent cake, crafting memories that will be treasured forever.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Cut Stems at an Angle: Cut 2-3 cms from the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing the flowers in the vase. This allows for better water absorption.
- Choose a Cool Spot: Keep the flowers in a cool place, as the lukewarm water aids stem hydration, and cool air helps maintain freshness.
- Regular Water Change: Change the water every other day to extend the flowers' lifespan.
Cake care instructions:
- Storage Tips: Keep the cakes in the refrigerator on arrival.
- How to Serve: Use a serrated knife for cutting fondant cakes as you get neater slices with fewer frosting smears.