A stunning bouquet of 18 red roses stands tall in a sleek glass vase, presenting a classic symbol of affection and romance. These vibrant blooms are a heartfelt gift for a range of occasions be it Valentine's Day, anniversaries, or simply to say "I love you." The clear vase showcases the roses' natural beauty, making it an elegant centerpiece for any setting.
Follow these easy tips to enjoy flowers’ freshness and bloom for long:
- Trim Stems at an Angle: Trim 2-3 cm from the stems at a 45-degree angle. This allows for better water absorption.
- Choose a Cool Spot: Keep the flowers in a cool place, as cool air helps maintain freshness.
- Regular Water Change: Replace the water in a vase with lukewarm water regularly to keep flowers fresh and hydrated.
- Avoid Direct Sunlight and Ethylene: Protect the flowers from direct sunlight, wind, and ethylene-producing fruits like apples, as this gas accelerates wilting.
- Enjoy the Blooms: With proper care, your flowers will blossom beautifully, offering a longer-lasting display of nature's beauty.