This stunning bouquet of 20 red roses, accented with delicate baby’s breath and lush green fillers, is a bold and timeless expression of love and admiration. Wrapped in sophisticated black paper packing, it is paired with a delicious 1 kg box of Gulab Jamun, making it a perfect gift for romantic gestures, festive celebrations, or heartfelt surprises.
Product Details:
• 20 Red Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Green Fillers
• Black Paper Packing
• 1 Kg Gulab Jamun
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The red roses symbolize deep love and passion, while the baby’s breath adds a touch of grace and elegance. The green fillers enhance the natural beauty of the bouquet, and the Gulab Jamun brings a traditional sweetness to the gesture. Together, this gift is a wonderful way to express affection and celebrate life’s special moments.