The 15 vibrant red roses will capture your heart and evoke feelings of love and passion. The tasty munch mini pack chocolates will melt in your mouth, waking up your taste buds and leaving you with a lingering sense of indulgence. This gift is a symphony of the senses, with a perfect balance. It is a gift that speaks to the heart and soul, conveying your deepest feelings of love, appreciation, and gratitude.
- Flowers Care Instructions:
- Start by filling half of a clean vase with lukewarm water and cutting 2-3 cm from the stems at a 45-degree angle for better water absorption.
- Then place the flowers in a cool, dry spot away from direct sunlight and keep changing the water every other day.
- Chocolates Care Instructions:
- To preserve the freshness, prevent softening, and prevent flavor changes in chocolates, keep them in a refrigerator on arrival.
- Keep them away from strong odors to maintain their original taste.
Note:- These general care instructions may vary based on the specific type and brand of chocolate.