This beautiful arrangement of 24 red roses creates a sensory experience that is both captivating and enchanting as their enticing fragrance fills the air with an irresistible attraction. Send this to your partner on your anniversary and make their day even more beautiful.
Flower Care Guide:
Prepare a Clean Vase: Choose a vase and ensure it's thoroughly cleaned to prevent bacteria that can cause wilting.
Lukewarm Water: Fill the vase with lukewarm water, covering just over half of the stems.
Cut Stems at an Angle: Trim 2-3 cm from the stems at a 45-degree angle for better water absorption.
Choose a Cool Spot: Place the flowers in a cool area; lukewarm water aids hydration, and cool air preserves freshness.
Regular Water Change: Replace the water every other day to prolong the flowers’ lifespan.
Avoid Direct Sunlight and Ethylene: Keep flowers away from direct sunlight, wind, and ethylene-producing fruits like apples.
Enjoy the Blooms: With proper care, your flowers will stay vibrant and last longer.