This elegant basket arrangement of 20 pink roses, accented with lush green fillers and a beautifully wrapped base in premium paper packing, is a graceful expression of love and admiration. Paired with a delicious 1 kg box of Khoya Peda, this thoughtful gift is perfect for celebrating heartfelt occasions, festive moments, or special milestones.
Product Details:
• 20 Pink Roses
• Green Fillers
• Basket Arrangement
• 1 Kg Khoya Peda
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Pink roses symbolize admiration, gratitude, and joy, while the green fillers add freshness and vibrancy. The beautifully crafted basket enhances the charm of the arrangement, and the traditional sweetness of Khoya Peda adds a festive touch. Together, this gift set is a perfect way to express affection, share happiness, and create cherished memories.