Express your love and affection on Valentine's Day with this stunning bouquet of red and pink roses paired with a black forest cake. The vibrant red roses symbolize passion and deep love, while the delicate pink roses represent tenderness and admiration. The black forest cake is a delicious and romantic way to end your Valentine's Day celebration.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Cut Stems at an Angle: Cut 2-3 cms from the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing the flowers in the vase. This allows for better water absorption.
- Choose a Cool Spot: Keep the flowers in a cool place, as the lukewarm water aids stem hydration, and cool air helps maintain freshness.
- Regular Water Change: Change the water every other day to extend the flowers' lifespan.
Cake care instructions:
- Storage Tips: Keep the cakes in the refrigerator on arrival.
- How to Serve: Use a serrated knife for cutting fondant cakes as you get neater slices with fewer frosting smears.