Indulge in the exquisite basket arrangement of 10 pink roses & 3 red gerberas. A vibrant symphony of nature's beauty. Paired with 1/2 kg premium cashews for a touch of luxury and accompanied by 2 diyas, this ensemble is a perfect blend of opulence and tradition, making every moment truly special.
Flowers in a Basket:
- A flower basket comes with a water-soaked foam to keep flowers fresh and hydrated. So keep adding fresh water whenever the foam starts to dry out.
- Keep the flower basket away from direct sunlight to prevent the flowers from drying out.
- At last, remove fallen petals or damaged leaves to prevent bacterial growth inside the box.
Dry Fruits Care Guide:
- To maintain the freshness of your dry fruits, store them in a sealed container at room temperature.
- Certain dry fruits, like dates and figs, benefit from refrigeration to extend their shelf life. Be mindful of the specific storage requirements for each type.
- Dry fruits should retain their natural color and aroma. If they appear dull or have an off-putting smell, it might indicate staleness.