This magnificent bouquet of 100 mixed-color roses, accented with delicate baby’s breath, is a stunning blend of elegance and vibrant charm. Wrapped beautifully in sophisticated black and off-white paper and tied with a sleek black ribbon, it is paired with a luscious ½ kg Chocolate Cake to create the ultimate gift for any grand occasion. Perfect for anniversaries, milestones, or heartfelt celebrations, this combination is designed to leave a lasting impression.
Product Details:
• 100 Mixed-Color Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Black and Off-White Wrapping Paper
• Black Ribbon Tie
• ½ kg Chocolate Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Each rose color conveys a unique sentiment: red for love, yellow for friendship, pink for admiration, and white for purity. The addition of baby’s breath adds an ethereal charm, symbolizing everlasting love. Paired with the indulgent Chocolate Cake, this exquisite arrangement is ideal for expressing gratitude, celebrating milestones, or sharing a moment of pure joy with someone special.