This stunning basket arrangement of 40 vibrant roses in red, pink, yellow, and white hues, accented with lush green fillers, radiates beauty and heartfelt emotions. Elegantly arranged in a charming basket, it is paired with a delectable ½ kg Chocolate Cake, making it a perfect gift for any joyful occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or a gesture of love and appreciation, this combination is designed to create unforgettable moments.
Product Details:
• 40 Roses (Red, Pink, Yellow, White)
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Basket Arrangement
• ½ kg Chocolate Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Each rose color conveys a special sentiment: red for love, pink for admiration, yellow for friendship and joy, and white for peace and purity. Together, they create a harmonious expression of heartfelt emotions. Paired with the rich indulgence of a Chocolate Cake, this arrangement is perfect for celebrating life’s milestones, sharing love, or simply brightening someone’s day with an elegant and thoughtful gesture.