This radiant bouquet of 40 mixed-color roses, complemented by delicate baby’s breath fillers, bursts with joy and vibrancy. Beautifully wrapped in cheerful paper packing, it’s paired with a delicious ½ kg Black Forest Cake to make any celebration truly unforgettable. Whether you’re surprising a loved one or marking a special milestone, this duo is designed to delight!
Product Details:
• 40 Mixed-Color Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Cheerful Paper Packing
• ½ kg Black Forest Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
This stunning mix of colorful roses represents joy, happiness, and appreciation, while the baby's breath adds a touch of purity and grace. Paired with a classic Black Forest Cake, this gift set is ideal for birthdays, anniversaries, or any moment when you want to share love, joy, and sweetness in one thoughtful gesture!