Immerse yourself in elegance with our 10 white carnations bouquet, a symphony of beauty and grace. Paired with luscious 1/2 Kg raisins for a delightful treat and accompanied by 2 diyas, this ensemble is a celebration of joy, creating a sensory journey that captivates the heart. Elevate your moments with this exquisite blend of charm and flavor.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Start by filling half of a clean vase with lukewarm water and cutting 2-3 cm from the stems at a 45-degree angle for better water absorption.
- Then place the flowers in a cool, dry spot away from direct sunlight and keep changing the water every other day.
Dry Fruits Care Instructions:
- Store dry fruits in an airtight container at room temperature
- Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or other heat sources
- Ensure freshness by refrigerating specific types, like dates and figs.