This luxurious bouquet of 100 red, pink, and white roses, accented with delicate baby’s breath, is a stunning blend of elegance and charm. Wrapped in sophisticated black and off-white paper with a sleek black ribbon, it comes paired with a Small Cadbury Celebration Box (63g), making it a thoughtful gift for any special occasion. Perfect for romantic gestures, anniversaries, or heartfelt celebrations, this combination is sure to create lasting memories.
Product Details:
• 100 Roses (Red, Pink, White)
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Black and Off-White Wrapping Paper
• Black Ribbon
• Small Cadbury Celebration Box (63g)
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Red roses symbolize love, pink roses admiration, and white roses purity, creating a harmonious blend of heartfelt emotions. The baby’s breath adds a touch of grace and charm, while the Cadbury Celebration chocolates bring sweetness to this elegant gift. Ideal for expressing love, gratitude, or joy, this arrangement is sure to delight and impress.