This delightful bouquet of 5 red roses and 5 yellow roses, accented with delicate baby’s breath and lush green fillers, is a cheerful expression of love and friendship. Wrapped in elegant paper packing and paired with an adorable 6-inch pink teddy bear, this gift is perfect for spreading joy and warmth. Whether it’s a birthday, a gesture of appreciation, or a surprise for someone special, this charming combination is sure to bring smiles.
Product Details:
• 5 Red Roses
• 5 Yellow Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• 6-inch Pink Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The red roses represent love and admiration, while the yellow roses symbolize joy and friendship. The baby’s breath adds a touch of innocence and grace, making this bouquet a heartfelt expression of care and positivity. Paired with the cuddly pink teddy bear, this gift is ideal for celebrating special moments, sharing affection, or brightening someone’s day with love and happiness.