This cheerful bouquet of 10 red roses and 10 yellow roses, accented with lush green fillers, is a vibrant expression of love and joy. Wrapped in elegant paper packing, it is paired with a KitKat Mini Pack (126g), making it a delightful gift for any occasion. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or a thoughtful surprise, this combination is sure to spread smiles and happiness.
Product Details:
• 10 Red Roses
• 10 Yellow Roses
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• KitKat Mini Pack (126g)
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Red roses symbolize deep love and admiration, while yellow roses represent happiness and friendship. Together, they convey a warm and heartfelt message. Paired with the crispy sweetness of KitKat chocolates, this thoughtful gift is ideal for sharing joy and creating unforgettable memories.