This classic bouquet of 12 red roses, accented with lush green fillers, is a timeless expression of love and passion. Beautifully wrapped in elegant paper packing, it is paired with a decadent 1 kg Red Velvet cake and a cuddly 6-inch teddy bear, making it a perfect gift for any romantic occasion. Whether it’s an anniversary, a heartfelt surprise, or a celebration of love, this thoughtful combination is sure to create unforgettable memories.
Product Details:
• 12 Red Roses
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• 1 kg Red Velvet Cake
• 6-inch Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The red roses symbolize deep love and devotion, while the green fillers add a touch of natural charm. The luxurious Red Velvet cake adds sweetness and indulgence, while the adorable teddy bear brings warmth and affection. Together, this set is the ultimate way to express your love and make someone feel truly special.