This breathtaking bouquet of 100 red roses, accented with lush green fillers, exudes pure passion and romance. Wrapped elegantly in striking black and red paper, this luxurious arrangement comes paired with a decadent ½ kg Chocolate Cake to make any celebration unforgettable. Perfect for grand romantic gestures, anniversaries, or simply when you want to make someone feel extraordinarily special.
Product Details:
• 100 Red Roses
• Green Fillers
• Black and Red Wrapping Paper
• ½ kg Chocolate Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The 100 red roses symbolize deep, unwavering love and devotion, while the green fillers add a fresh contrast, emphasizing the vitality of your affection. The indulgent Chocolate Cake sweetens the sentiment, making this duo the ultimate expression of romance, passion, and heartfelt emotion. Ideal for romantic milestones or moments that call for an unforgettable gesture of love!