This elegant bouquet of 20 red roses, beautifully accented with lush green fillers and wrapped in sophisticated black paper packing, is a timeless expression of love and passion. Paired with a luxurious 1 kg Red Velvet cake and a cuddly 6-inch brown teddy bear, this thoughtful gift set is perfect for romantic gestures, anniversaries, or heartfelt celebrations.
Product Details:
• 20 Red Roses
• Green Fillers
• Black Paper Packing
• 1 kg Red Velvet Cake
• 6-inch Brown Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The red roses symbolize deep love and devotion, while the green fillers add a touch of freshness and charm. The indulgent Red Velvet cake brings sweetness and elegance, while the adorable teddy bear adds warmth and affection. This combination is a perfect way to express your emotions and create unforgettable memories.