This charming bouquet of 12 red roses, accented with fresh green fillers, is a timeless symbol of love and admiration. Wrapped delicately in elegant paper packing and tied with a lovely ribbon, it’s paired with a delightful ½ kg Black Forest Cake to create a perfect gift for any special occasion. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, or a romantic surprise, this duo is sure to warm hearts and create lasting memories.
Product Details:
• 12 Red Roses
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• Ribbon Tie
• ½ kg Black Forest Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The 12 red roses convey heartfelt love and appreciation, while the vibrant green fillers add a touch of freshness and vitality. Paired with the classic sweetness of a Black Forest Cake, this thoughtful gift is ideal for celebrating milestones, expressing affection, or simply sharing a moment of joy with someone you treasure.