This delightful bouquet of 21 red, white, and pink roses, accented with lush fillers, is a charming expression of love and admiration. Wrapped in elegant pink and white paper and tied with ribbons, it comes with an adorable 6-inch brown teddy bear, making it a thoughtful gift for any occasion. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic surprises, this combination is sure to brighten someone’s day.
Product Details:
• 21 Roses (Red, White, Pink)
• Fillers
• Pink and White Wrapping Paper
• Ribbons
• 6-inch Brown Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The red roses symbolize love, the white roses purity, and the pink roses admiration. Combined with lush fillers and a cuddly teddy bear, this gift is perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions and creating unforgettable memories.