This charming bouquet of 6 red and 6 pink roses, accented with fresh green fillers, is a delightful expression of love and admiration. Wrapped beautifully in elegant paper packing, it is paired with an adorable 6-inch teddy bear to create a gift that’s as sweet as it is meaningful. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or romantic surprises, this combination is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face.
Product Details:
• 6 Red Roses
• 6 Pink Roses
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• 6-inch Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The red roses convey deep love and passion, while the pink roses symbolize admiration and tenderness. Paired with the cuddly charm of a teddy bear, this gift set is perfect for expressing heartfelt emotions, celebrating special moments, or simply showing someone how much they mean to you.