This charming bouquet of 6 red roses and 6 pink roses, accented with lush green fillers, is a lovely way to express affection and gratitude. Wrapped in elegant paper packing, it is paired with a Small Cadbury Celebration Box (63g), making it a thoughtful gift for any special occasion. Perfect for birthdays, romantic gestures, or heartfelt surprises, this delightful combination is sure to spread joy.
Product Details:
• 6 Red Roses
• 6 Pink Roses
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• Small Cadbury Celebration Box (63g)
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Red roses symbolize love and admiration, while pink roses convey appreciation and tenderness. Combined with the sweetness of Cadbury chocolates, this gift is a perfect way to share warm emotions and brighten someone’s day with a thoughtful and heartfelt gesture.