This luxurious bouquet of 100 pink roses, adorned with lush green fillers, is a breathtaking expression of grace and admiration. Elegantly wrapped in striking pink and black paper and tied with care, it is paired with a decadent ½ kg Chocolate Cake, making it the perfect gift for grand celebrations and heartfelt gestures. Whether it’s an anniversary, a romantic surprise, or a gesture of appreciation, this exquisite combination is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Product Details:
• 100 Pink Roses
• Green Fillers
• Pink and Black Wrapping Paper
• Ribbon Tie
• ½ kg Chocolate Cake
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The 100 pink roses symbolize admiration, gratitude, and gentle affection, while the green fillers add a vibrant touch of nature’s charm. The combination of soft hues and rich chocolate indulgence creates a heartfelt and elegant gift, perfect for showing love, celebrating milestones, or making any occasion unforgettable.