This elegant bouquet of 20 pink roses, accented with lush green fillers, is a graceful expression of love and admiration. Wrapped beautifully in pink and black paper packing, it is paired with a box of Cadbury Celebration Pack (179g), making it a delightful gift for any special occasion. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or heartfelt surprises, this combination adds a touch of sweetness to your thoughtful gesture.
Product Details:
• 20 Pink Roses
• Green Fillers
• Pink and Black Paper Packing
• Cadbury Celebration Pack (179g)
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Pink roses symbolize admiration, gratitude, and joy, while the green fillers add a fresh and vibrant touch. Paired with the indulgent Cadbury chocolates, this gift is perfect for celebrating special moments, expressing affection, or bringing a smile to someone’s face.