This beautiful bouquet of 2 pink lilies, 6 pink roses, and 6 pink carnations, accented with lush green fillers, is a graceful and heartfelt expression of love and admiration. Wrapped in soft pink and green paper packing, it’s paired with an adorable 12-inch brown teddy bear, making it the perfect gift for any special occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries.
Product Details:
• 2 Pink Lilies
• 6 Pink Roses
• 6 Pink Carnations
• Green Fillers
• Pink and Green Paper Packing
• 12-inch Brown Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
The pink lilies represent love and prosperity, the pink roses symbolize admiration and gratitude, and the pink carnations convey affection and appreciation. Together with the green fillers and cuddly teddy bear, this thoughtful bouquet is the perfect way to express your deepest emotions and brighten someone’s day.