This vibrant bouquet of 50 mixed roses, accented with delicate baby’s breath and lush green fillers, is a beautiful way to express joy and affection. Elegantly wrapped in premium paper packing, it is paired with a ½ kg box of Soan Papdi, making it a thoughtful gift for any festive celebration or heartfelt occasion.
Product Details:
• 50 Mixed Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• ½ kg Soan Papdi
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Each rose color carries a unique sentiment: red for love, yellow for happiness, pink for admiration, and white for peace. The baby’s breath adds grace, while the Soan Papdi provides a traditional touch of sweetness. Together, this combination is perfect for celebrating life’s special moments and sharing warm wishes with loved ones.