This elegant bouquet of 7 red, 7 pink, and 7 white roses, accented with lush green fillers and wrapped in premium paper packing, is a beautiful expression of love, admiration, and peace. Paired with a delicious 1 kg box of Rasgulla, this thoughtful gift is perfect for celebrating festive occasions, heartfelt moments, or special milestones.
Product Details:
• 7 Red Roses
• 7 Pink Roses
• 7 White Roses
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• 1 Kg Rasgulla
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Red roses symbolize love and passion, pink roses convey gratitude and admiration, and white roses represent purity and new beginnings. Combined with the traditional sweetness of Rasgulla, this gift set is ideal for spreading joy, sharing affection, and creating cherished memories.