This delightful bouquet of 3 vibrant yellow gerberas, 6 charming pink carnations, and 2 elegant pink lilies, accented with lush green fillers, is a graceful expression of joy and admiration. Beautifully wrapped in elegant paper packing, it is paired with a rich ½ kg chocolate cake and a cuddly 6-inch teddy bear. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, or heartfelt surprises, this thoughtful gift set is sure to create cherished memories.
Product Details:
• 3 Yellow Gerberas
• 6 Pink Carnations
• 2 Pink Lilies
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• ½ kg Chocolate Cake
• 6-inch Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Yellow gerberas symbolize happiness and friendship, pink carnations express gratitude and admiration, while pink lilies represent love and prosperity. Paired with the indulgence of chocolate cake and the sweet charm of a teddy bear, this gift set is perfect for sharing joy and celebrating life’s special moments.