This stunning bouquet of 100 mixed-color roses, accented with delicate baby’s breath, is a vibrant and elegant display of affection. Wrapped in black and off-white paper with a sleek black ribbon and paired with a 6-inch teddy bear, it’s a thoughtful gift for any occasion, sure to leave a lasting impression.
Product Details:
• 100 Mixed-Color Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Black and Off-White Wrapping Paper
• Black Ribbon
• 6-inch Teddy Bear
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Each rose color carries a unique sentiment: red for love, yellow for joy, pink for admiration, and white for purity. The addition of baby’s breath enhances its charm, while the teddy bear adds a sweet, playful touch. Perfect for celebrations, romantic gestures, or simply to brighten someone’s day.