This vibrant bouquet of 40 mixed-color roses, complemented by delicate baby’s breath and lush green fillers, is a delightful expression of joy and affection. Elegantly wrapped in premium paper packing, it is paired with a Small Cadbury Celebration Box (63g), making it a thoughtful gift for any occasion. Perfect for birthdays, celebrations, or heartfelt gestures, this combination is sure to brighten someone’s day.
Product Details:
• 40 Mixed-Color Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• Small Cadbury Celebration Box (63g)
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Each rose color carries a unique sentiment: red for love, yellow for joy, pink for admiration, and white for peace. The baby’s breath adds an ethereal charm, while the sweetness of Cadbury chocolates completes this cheerful and meaningful gift, perfect for celebrating life’s special moments.