This classic bouquet of 12 red roses, complemented by delicate baby’s breath and lush green fillers, is a timeless expression of love and admiration. Elegantly wrapped in premium paper packing, it comes paired with a delectable 1 kg box of Khoya Peda, making it a thoughtful gift for romantic occasions, festive celebrations, or heartfelt moments.
Product Details:
• 12 Red Roses
• Baby’s Breath Fillers
• Green Fillers
• Elegant Paper Packing
• 1 Kg Khoya Peda
Meaning Behind the Arrangement:
Red roses symbolize deep love and devotion, while the baby’s breath adds a touch of grace and elegance. Paired with the rich sweetness of Khoya Peda, this gift set beautifully combines traditional charm and heartfelt emotions, making it perfect for celebrating special moments and spreading joy.