Experience the magic of festivities with our basket arrangement of roses, raisins & diyas. An enchanting blend of floral elegance, wholesome sweetness, and traditional radiance. This combo features 18 fresh pink roses & 1/2 Kg raisins with 2 diyas. Perfect for celebrating special moments, this thoughtfully curated arrangement brings joy and warmth, creating cherished memories that last a lifetime.
Flowers Care Instructions:
- Cut Stems at an Angle: Cut 2-3 cms from the stems at a 45-degree angle before placing the flowers in the vase. This allows for better water absorption.
- Choose a Cool Spot: Keep the flowers in a cool place, as the lukewarm water aids stem hydration, and cool air helps maintain freshness.
- Regular Water Change: Change the water every other day to extend the flowers' lifespan.
Dry Fruits Care Instructions:
- Store dry fruits in an airtight container at room temperature
- Avoid exposing them to direct sunlight or other heat sources
- Ensure freshness by refrigerating specific types, like dates and figs.