This charming heart-shaped arrangement of 25 red roses and 8 Ferrero rocher chocolates, with a cuddly white 6-inch teddy bear holding a red heart at the center. It's a sweet and thoughtful present for birthdays, anniversaries, Valentine's Day, or to simply show your love and appreciation on any special day.
To ensure that your order stays in the best condition for a long time, follow these care tips:
Flower Care Instructions:
- A flower basket comes with a water-soaked foam to keep flowers fresh and hydrated. So keep adding fresh water whenever the foam starts to dry out.
- Keep the flower basket away from direct sunlight to prevent the flowers from drying out.
- At last, remove fallen petals or damaged leaves to prevent bacterial growth inside the box.
Chocolates Care Instructions:
- To preserve the freshness, prevent softening, and prevent flavor changes in chocolates, keep them in a refrigerator on arrival.
- Keep them away from strong odors to maintain their original taste.
Teddy Care Instructions:
- Gently wash your cuddly companion with your hands using a mild detergent to preserve its delicate fabrics and stuffing.
- After washing, let the teddy bear air dry outdoors for a natural and refreshing scent.
- For thorough cleaning, consider dry cleaning services.